kids playing soccer

Third Annual Healthy Student, Happy Teacher Campaign kicks off Summer 2024


Healthy Student, Happy Teacher campaign

Haxtun Health kicks off their third annual “Healthy Student, Happy Teacher” campaign to last through the summer. During the months of June, July, and August, for every student who completes a well child check or annual wellness exam, Haxtun Health is donating $10 to that student’s classroom teacher to help offset classroom preparation expenses. Well Child Checks and Annual Wellness Exams are typically covered by insurance.  These appointments also meet the requirements of a sports physical.  Appointments can be made in either the Haxtun or Fleming Clinic locations by calling 970-774-6187.

“We know that every teacher throughout the northeast corner of Colorado cares tremendously for their students and more times than not, many of these teachers are using personal funds to help offset additional costs to complete their classrooms,” stated Haxtun Health’s CFO, Joleen Stroyek. “We want to help bridge the gap that nearly every classroom faces each year, our students and teachers are well worth it.”

Well Child Checks

Well Child Checks and Annual Wellness Exams are routine health checkups with a provider. These visits help you keep your student up to date on vaccinations they need for school and serve as a way for you to ensure your child is happy, healthy, and thriving. They also help identify challenges, such as trouble with eyesight, weight, or asthma, and help kids do well in all aspects of their lives.

Routine visits allow the provider to get to know you and your child. Providers give your child a physical exam – checking their blood pressure, eyes, and ears to make sure all systems are working as they should. Height and weight among other markers are gauged and documented to ensure that everything is on track. Other aspects of the exams include touching base on how things are at home, school, and their behavior. Our trusted providers serve as a sounding board and an educational, medical resource for both you and your child.

“It’s vital that the children in the community are routinely being seen by a primary care provider,” commented Heidi Carpenter, Clinic Manager at Haxtun Health. “It is the best way to track growth, development, and pinpoint where a student may be falling lower on the curve than is to be expected. If we see a child slightly slipping on the scale, it’s much easier to treat and evaluate in the early stages rather than try to catch up at a later date.” Carpenter also stated, “Wellness exams are also the best way for us to monitor and administer vaccines in a timely manner which is extremely important once kids start returning to school. We know that kids soak up more when they are feeling their best, so we continue to encourage parents to schedule yearly exams to set up their children for success this fall.”

To participate in the “Healthy Student, Happy Teacher” campaign, schedule an appointment for your student by calling the Haxtun Health clinic at 970-774-6187. High school, junior high, and elementary students enrolled in all surrounding schools are eligible to participate.

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